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Scripture presents man the opportunity to embark on a treasure hunt that he may enjoy for many years, even decades, until death. Scripture is full of precious truth – many treasures. But they are not always easy to find and Scripture is not always easily understandable.

There are two passages in the Bible that embrace God’s grand scheme – His plan with His universe and its creatures, from the beginning to the end…. No, there is no end… It is from the beginning to the consummation of all things. These two passages, actually short excerpts, from two verses say it all.

The fascinating thing is that they contain no unusual words or difficult terminology. It is the simplest short words- a child can easily understand the language used.

Both passages can be found in the epistles of Paul. I have read these passages untold times over many years, without seeing the treasure. The words were ordinary words we all understand. But because I was blinded I could not see the precious truth they contain.

Here they are:

            …out of Him and through Him and for Him is all.    – Rom. 11:36 CV

            …that God may be all in all…    – 1 Cor. 15:28  CV

Here, in a nutshell, is what everything is all about.

Everything came out of God. Atoms, water drops, birds, trees, antelope, humans, planets and stars, nothing excluded. Notice they came “out of” God. Like a mother having given birth to her cherished baby, everything came out of the essence of God. You may say He gave birth to everything. God is love. And He loves His creation. Especially those made in His image. They are all in a sense His dear children – or destined to be so in the fullest sense some time in future.

And everything is through Him. If it is an inanimate object, He keeps it together. If it is a living creature, He gives it life.

All of what exists is in a sense on a journey. A journey towards the consummation we read about in 1 Cor. 15:24-25, when Christ will have subjected all under His authority and turns all over to God the Father. All and everything in existence then will be reconciled to God. Will be for God. And in God. “That God may be all in all.” There will not be place for anyone else in the heart of the creature, than God Himself. God must be and will be All.  Those made in His image will then be His own dear children, in the fullest sense imaginable.

As M Jaegle wrote,

            In the beginning: All in God.

            In the conclusion: God All in all.*

I want to encourage you to read these passages slowly, several times. You may add 1 Cor. 8:6 and Eph. 4:6.  I encourage you to take time to meditate on these precious truths, so that you be spiritually enriched as the deep meaning sinks in.

*Quoted from The Intimate Relationship of God to All in Bible Student’s Notebook Vol. 34 Issue 831.


Johann Grobler

Johann Grobler is a practising lawyer, conveyancer and notary public. He has dedicated much of his life to learn the truth about God and His plan.